I provide advice and training for schools who wish to develop or improve their post 16 Physics provision especially in the introduction of a new Physics course or those schools looking to develop staff new to teaching at this level or new to a particular course. This might involve choosing a suitable course, equipment purchase, ensuring prep/homework assignments are at an appropriate level, subject knowledge, setting and marking coursework or internal assessments and exam/revision strategies and advice.
Liquid Nitrogen Training
I am experienced in the use of liquid nitrogen and other cryogens in the classroom. I am available to run training courses in which teachers and technicians are trained in storing, dispensing, transporting and using liquid nitrogen safely as well as getting valuable hands on practice and classroom demonstrations. I have run these courses at Institute of Physics and Assocaiation for Science Education events as well as at individual schools including Clifton College and Brighton College.
For further information or to discuss your requirements
please contact me by email initially .
© 2016 Dr Matthew French All rights reserved.